IR Thought: Reflections on Essential Works

This blog is for students in Professor Jackson's Graduate Colloquium, "Master Works of International Relations," to reflect on and debate the major themes and arguments presented by political philosophers of International Relations. (Please excuse mike's spelling)

Thursday, October 12, 2006


It seems like Kant still buys into this the savages in America are inferior idea (the European savages know how to use the people. that are captured, while American savages do not) So I have the same question about this Kantian thought being used as an "enabling violation." (see my Locke post) (116 top)

I am also wondering how much Kant was required reading at Princeton around the turn of the last century (get it, haha)

Building off my Rousseau post, Kant definitely runs with the idea that success does not make right.(116 bottom) "Nonetheless, from the throne of its moral legislative power, reason absolutely condemns war as a means of determining the right and makes seeking the state of peace a matter of unmitigated duty." This quote exists within the context of Kant's argument that war is not a good way of determining who is right.


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